Test Preparation Curriculum


The ACES Way


ACES Test Preparation Workshops are incredibly effective because we employ a carefully calculated balance between strategic lecture, collaborative discussion, and hands-on practice. This means you won’t be stuck sitting silently in a boring classroom with 30 other faceless students while the instructor drones on about a math problem you already understand. Rather our interactive lessons are designed to be engaging and fun in order to make the material covered in class really stick. Students work together with the instructor and other students to understand multiple ways to approach a question, assess what strategies work best for them, and ultimately develop critical thinking and reasoning skills through discussion. We also restrict class size so instructors can more easily mold the curriculum to their small group of students and focus most on what those students need to work on rather than sticking to a uniform curriculum. Then to top it all off, a practice section is given every class period.

Don’t take our word for it. Listen to what students say about ACES Test Prep Courses



Curriculum Layout


Test Preparation Courses begin with SAT Foundations, a slower-paced introductory class for younger students who have never been exposed to the SAT, then grow into individual workshops depending on the test for which you are preparing. The SAT/PSAT, ACT, and SAT II Subject Test Workshops are intended for students who are planning on taking each test relatively soon, focusing specifically on students going into their junior year of high school. If a student is needing help raising her/his in a particular SAT area, such as vocabulary, critical reading, or writing, each of our English Enrichment tracts provides an advanced course that focuses solely on SAT preparation in each of these areas.



Course Descriptions and Syllabi

SAT 100RW: SAT Foundations of Critical Reading and Writing

S100-Math: SAT Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning

S101: SAT/PSAT Intensive Workshop

A101: ACT Intensive Workshop


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